Ferguson, MO
I intended, and still intend, to do a long post regarding this situation. But I have this to say:
If you’re a 2nd amendment person that firmly believes it is right and healthy to fear the government coming to take your guns and you’re not ready to march on Ferguson, MO?
You’re a hypocrite or a coward.
This is why we need to vote. This is why we need to take control of the political process and not be controlled by it. This is why we need to hold police accountable to their actions. This is why good cops need to hold shitty cops accountable for their actions.
This has gone too fucking far.
Original Sin #7
Publisher: Marvel
Writer: Jason Aaron Art: Mike Deodato/Frank Martin
Rating: 3.3/5
Old Man Fury fights the Avengers, using some of their secrets against them. Including some buried memory that suddenly makes Thor unworthy to wield Mjolnir. Meanwhile, Orb is gaining some of the power cosmic juice that the Watcher used to have and is transforming into a Watcher like being, I can only presume.
And we still don’t know who killed the Watcher.
At this point, I’m glad there’s only an issue left. It’s been up and down as far as my enjoyment, but with Aaron milking the mystery for the full length of the series, I’m going to be a little let down in the end.
The best mysteries have somewhere to go AFTER the big reveal. Or many more miles to go before it.
Big Trouble in Little China
Publisher: BOOM
Story: John Carpenter/Eric Powell Art: Brian Churilla
Rating: 3.6/5
I love Eric Powell. I love his sensibilities, I love the way he can mix action with comedy. I love how he is twisted. I love Brian Churilla’s style. A slight more cartoony Mignola without being a clone. And that is exactly what you need on this book. Because it’s just fun from front to back, every issue. I can’t recommend this book enough, it’s obviously the true successor to the movie.
#fundcthulhu WE NEED PANTS Video
Above is a link to Youtube for the second video I’ve done in support of the FundAnything campaign for the first comic book featuring Cthulhu Holmes. For those keeping track at home, you can find the actual campaign (which has already raised 1/3 of its goal in just a few short days) here.
I thank you again for your time.
Publisher: Dark Horse
Writer: Brian Wood Art: Garry Brown
Rating – 3.1/5
Massive is coming to an end, it seems. And it seems about time. The Sahara arc was great, but overall it’s gone no where in particular. And part of that is that Wood tends to make his metaphors literal. As in, Massive is about what we as human beings are doing to our environment. And he explores that by literally having the environment turn on us. Which can still be good…but he fixates on that more than actually telling stories.
Bodies #1
Publisher: Vertigo
Writer: Si Spencer Art: Dean Ormston/Phil Winslade/Meghan Hetrick/Tula Lotay.
Rating – 3.5/5
I loved the Vinyl Underground, so I figured I’d give this a shot. And having the same murder victim’s body exist across 4 moments in time is definitely interesting. It’ll be interesting to see how it turns out. I have a feeling the future is going to be the most distracting.
Publisher: Image
Writer: John Layman Art: Rob Guillory
Rating – 4.7/5
Mother. Fucking. Poyo.
Publisher: Image
Writer: Ed Brubaker Art: Sean Phillips
Rating – 2.4/5
Honestly? I’m disappointed. It’s Ed’s story and he told it the way he wanted, bully for him. But it’s not what I wanted. I got a bit sick of him showing how everyone was in love with this woman, rather than…pretty much anything else in the world he made. I don’t need to see the Old Ones, necessarily, but it would have been nice to see more of their bishop at work. Other Josephines actually living their lives (and not just going through basically the same stuff the real Josephine did).
I’ve liked a lot of Brubaker’s stuff, so I don’t mean to dump on the man. But it just…meh.
Publisher: Marvel
Writer: Jonathan Hickman Art: Valerio Schiti/Salvador Larroca/Frank Martin/Paul Mounts
Rating – 3.9/5
Fuck. Yes. The Illuminati get a slight redemption, as when the time comes to destroy another world none of them take it. Except, you know, for Namor. But that fits perfectly, especially with my favorite moment from before the fight with the Great Society. Namor throwing his trident and saying, “if I am to become this monster, let it be on my own terms.”