Category Archives: greatoftheday
The Possible Nihilistic Devil Worship of Larry Alex Taunton, Who Might Also Smell Really Bad
Reposted with permission from the beautiful Penn Jillete:
The Possible Nihilistic Devil Worship of Larry Alex Taunton, Who Might Also Smell Really Bad
by Penn Jillette Continue reading The Possible Nihilistic Devil Worship of Larry Alex Taunton, Who Might Also Smell Really Bad
Throwback Thursday – Gay Dream Samurai
Because I and my comedian friend Chuck did podcasts before podcasts were cool.
How It Should Have Ended: Guardians of the Galaxy
For the uninitiated, How It Should Have Ended is a fun little feature that pokes fun at movies, TV shows, etc.
And their answer to Guardians of the Galaxy is every bit as amazing as the movie.
And This is Why the Triceratops is my Favorite Dinosaur
9. No one knows how Triceratops used its horns.
For generations, paleontologists assumed that Triceratops evolved its horns for one reason–to keep hungry raptors and tyrannosaurs at bay. Now, though, some experts believe these horns may have been primarily a sexually selected characteristic: that is, male Triceratops with bigger, sharper horns had a better chance of mating with available females.
Aw yeah, baby. Check out my horns.
From the Joe Files: Chip Zdarsky
Chip Zdarsky. Now known as the superstar artist behind Sex Criminals. Lover of Applebee’s. And great Canadian.
But I remember a simpler Chip. Who embraced me. And then wrote this on a copy of Prison Funnies #1.

Greatest Thing I’ve Seen Today: Beard Facts
Greatest Thing I’ve See Today – Race/Off
So this actually aired last Tuesday, and I saw it then. But as The Daily Show has Labor Day off, they’re re-airing it. And it merits another go around.
Because I still have people I love and respect who are being fed bullshit and not understanding what actually happened in Ferguson. And I’m still trying to shake them to make them realize that all these “patriots” they trust, are exactly the ones that are really going to help get their rights taken away.
The Greatest Thing I’ve Seen Today: Guardians is #1
The movie that I just wanted to do well, so that it would open the door to other adaptations. The movie I just wanted to be good so that momentum kept going. The movie that I loved and just hoped would make a decent pay day until something else knocked it off.
That movie? Is now the #1 grossing movie of the year.
You go Guardians of the Galaxy. Now anything can get made.