98. The Wicked + The Divine #8
99. Spider-Man 2099 #8
100. D4ve #1
101. Bodies #8
102. Savage Sword of Criminal
103. Sirens #3
104. Deadenders #9
105. Sex # 20
106. Avengers #42
107. Big Man Plans #1
108. Miracleman #16
109. Avengers World #18
110. Blackcross #1
111. Saga #26
112. Supreme Blue Rose #7
113. Uber #23
114. Rocket Raccoon #9
115. Nameless #2
116. Crossed + 100 #3
117. New Avengers #31
118. Deadenders #10
119. Howard the Duck #1
120. Casanova Acedia #2
121. Spider-Man 2099 #10
122. War Stories #6
123. Ragnarok #4
124. Big Trouble in Little China #9
125. Deadenders #11
126. Deadenders #12
127. Deadenders #13
128. Loki: Agent of Asgard #12
129. Moon Knight #13
130. Deadenders #14
131. Deadenders #15
132. Deadenders #16
133. East of West #18
134. Manhattan Projects: The Sun Beyond the Stars #1
135. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #44
136. Cable and Deadpool #16
137. Cyclops #11
138. New Avengers #32
139. Multiversity: Ultra Comics #1
140. The Wicked + The Divine #9
141. Chew #47
142. Goon: Once Upon A Hard Time #2
143. D4VE #2
144. Nemo: River of Ghosts
145. Invincible #118
146. Cable and Deadpool #17
147. Cable and Deadpool #18
148. Dark Horse Presents #8
149. Avengers #43
150. The Dead and the Dying #2
151. Rocket Raccoon #10
152. Blackcross #2
153. Hellboy and the BPRD 1952 #4
154. Helboy and the BPRD 1952 #5
155. Cyclops #12
156. X-Men Classic #87
157. Saga #27
158. Big Man Plans #2
159. Avengers World #19
160. Howard the Duck #2
161. Jupiter’s Circle #1
162. Nameless #3
163. Loki Agent of Asgard #13
164. Convergence Superboy #1
165. Chew #48
166. Cable and Deadpool #19
167. Cable and Deadpool #20
168. Cable and Deadpool #21
169. Cable and Deadpool #22
170. Cable and Deadpool #23
171. Kaptara #1