Who the Clix? is a series of articles featuring information on comic book characters that have been made into figures for the popular tabletop game Heroclix. These articles are meant to help Heroclix players learn more about the characters behind their favorite pieces.
Today we look at one of the handful of characters to debut first in the DCAU: Condiment King
Appearances in Heroclix: World’s Finest
First Comic Appearance: Batgirl: Year One #8
Team Affiliations: N/A
Powers: Condiment based weaponry.
Created By: Bruce Timm, Paul Dini, Chuck Dixon and Scott Beatty

Mitchell Mayo is a criminal using the moniker, “Condiment King.” He has a backpack and special guns that shoot out items like ketchup, relish or mustard. He is among the first villains that Batgirl defeats. He is also easily handled by Black Canary, Blue Beetle and Robin.
After Robin defeats Condiment King again, he comments on how dangerous the King can actually be. He notes, however, that his ridiculous appearance and equipment makes the justice system treat him as a joke.
Condiment King follows General Immortus and is ultimately betrayed and beaten to death with his own weapons by Human Flame.
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