Category Archives: current events
Stop Being Awful: Violence Against Women
Greatest Thing I’ve See Today – Race/Off
So this actually aired last Tuesday, and I saw it then. But asĀ The Daily Show has Labor Day off, they’re re-airing it. And it merits another go around.
Because I still have people I love and respect who are being fed bullshit and not understanding what actually happened in Ferguson. And I’m still trying to shake them to make them realize that all these “patriots” they trust, are exactly the ones that are really going to help get their rights taken away.
Ferguson, MO
I intended, and still intend, to do a long post regarding this situation. But I have this to say:
If you’re a 2nd amendment person that firmly believes it is right and healthy to fear the government coming to take your guns and you’re not ready to march on Ferguson, MO?
You’re a hypocrite or a coward.
This is why we need to vote. This is why we need to take control of the political process and not be controlled by it. This is why we need to hold police accountable to their actions. This is why good cops need to hold shitty cops accountable for their actions.
This has gone too fucking far.