Image, Characters, and Names are Copyright/Trademark their respective owners, used under Fair Use
Publisher: Image Writer: Warren Ellis Art: Jason Howard Rating: 3.6/5
Sweet slumbering Cthulhu but I do love how Ellis works characters. And that’s all this series has been so far. “Here’s this person, here’s their warts and crutches. Oh, and they have a redeeming quality or two.”
Character work with the slight background dressing of giant alien towers terraforming the earth (or something). The scientist in the artic that won’t cycle out because this work is important. The bumpkin that is at once in love with and terrified of the city wide artistic commune he has moved to.
Character work. And now, a very big bomb about to go off and change everything.
This is not a superhero comic. This is Ellis moving in one of his more experimental moods. The whole comics feels like some kind of strange living dream and I’m sure there’s subtext I’m missing or not fully picking up on.
But this is the kind of comics I do love, in small doses. I like experimental comics that still have a framework of plot and character work while still being experimental. We’ll see where this goes.
Official Website of Joe Pangrazio – Writer/Cartoonist/Spiritual Leader