Category Archives: whotheclix?

Who the Clix? Holiday Spectacular

Who the Clix? is a series of articles featuring information on comic book characters that have been made into figures for the popular tabletop game Heroclix. These articles are meant to help Heroclix players learn more about the characters behind their favorite pieces.

But today, we’re not just looking at one character. Or a story full of characters. We’re looking at a special group of characters (that Wizkids should totally continue with): The Holiday Figures.

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Who the Clix? Tombstone

Who the Clix? is a series of articles featuring information on comic book characters that have been made into figures for the popular tabletop game Heroclix. These articles are meant to help Heroclix players learn more about the characters behind their favorite pieces.

He’s a hardened criminal with an equally criminal daughter. But the creepiest part is when he does that low talking mumble thing.: Tombstone

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Who the Clix? Elixir

Who the Clix? is a series of articles featuring information on comic book characters that have been made into figures for the popular tabletop game Heroclix. These articles are meant to help Heroclix players learn more about the characters behind their favorite pieces.

He was first introduced to us as a Reaver but now he is an X-man and important member of Krakoan society: Elixir.

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Who the Clix? Ultimate Jessica Drew (Black Widow)

Who the Clix? is a series of articles featuring information on comic book characters that have been made into figures for the popular tabletop game Heroclix. These articles are meant to help Heroclix players learn more about the characters behind their favorite pieces.

The Ultimate Clone Saga got weird. For instance, one of the clones of Peter was a lady. She became: Ultimate Jessica Drew (Black Widow)

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