Publisher: Marvel
Writer: Jonathan Hickman Pencils: Jim Cheung, Paco Medina, Nick Bradshaw & Dustin Weaver
Inks: Mark Morales, Guillermo Ortego, Juan Vlasco, Nick Bradshaw & Dustin Weaver Colors: Frank Martin & David Curiel
Letters: VC’s Cory Petit
Rating: 4.0/5
The future is awesome and full of beards! Hickman is playing it up with the “Time Runs Out” bit and is making sure that the future does not look like the present. SHIELD is very different (and I love the subtle effect of giving a hero like Carol Danvers a black and grey variant on her current costume). Bringing Amadeus Cho back is great, especially since he is being played for his “one of the smartest men on the planet” role.
And yes. Thor. Hyperion. Reed Richards. Beards. Glorious, glorious beards!